Integrated MSc-PhD Program SYLLABUS |
KSM4E07: Algebraic Geometry |
Topics covered: Algebraic Sets, The Hilbert basis theorem, The Zariski topology, The Hilbert Nullstellensatz, Regular functions, Noether normalization theorem, Dimension, Affine Algebraic Varieties, Sheaves, Ringed spaces, , Morphisms of ringed spaces, Affine algebraic varieties, Subvarieties, Birational equivalence, Noether Normalization Theorem, Local Study, Tangent spaces to plane curves, Tangent cones to plane curves, The local ring at a point on a curve, The differential of a regular map, Tangent spaces to affine algebraic varieties, Algebraic varieties, Products of varieties, Rational maps; birational equivalence, Local study, Smooth maps, Projective Varieties Algebraic subsets of , The homogeneous coordinate ring of a projective variety, Regular functions on a projective variety, Maps from projective varieties, Bezout’s theorem.
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