The Augustin Cauchy Colloquium at KSoM will be held on August 2, 2024. 

Title: Imbedding of critical Fractional Sobolev Spaces
Speaker: Adi Adimurthi
Affiliation: TIFR CAM
Venue: Seminar Hall, KSoM
Date and Time: August 2, 2024 at 3:30 PM
Abstract: It is shown by Dyda that for sp>1 or sp <1, fractional Sobolev spaces are embedded in Weighted Lebesgue spaces with weight d(x,\partial \omega)^{-sp}. He also showed that it is optimal and it will not be true for sp =1, the critical case. In this talk I will address this problem and show what is the correct weight to be taken in the imbedding. This is a joint work with Prosenjit Roy, Purbita Jana and Prosenjit Roy, Vivek Sahu.