Apart from the research oriented workshops and conferences, KSoM also conducts various training programmes in Mathematics for 10th class students, for the university students at the BSc and M.Sc. level. Training programmes for school teachers/young faculty members at colleges also form a part of the mandate of KSoM.
Summer Workshop in Mathematics (SWIM@KSoM)
This is an intensive training program in Mathematics with focus on Basic Algebra, Analysis and Linear Algebra. The program spanning four weeks, starting from the first Monday of May every year, is intended for students who have completed their second year BSc in Mathematics. The aim is to help the students to develop a strong foundation in Mathematics. The program involves problem solving sessions along with the lectures. The program intends to address the quality of undergraduate education in Mathematics in Kerala. Details>>
Summer Advanced Instructional Lectures (SAIL@KSoM)
This is also a four weeks program similar to SWIM, but aimed at the second Year M.Sc. Students. The program will focus on Algebra, Analysis and Topology. The goal is to generate curiosity and develop mathematical/analytical thinking to prepare them for research/teaching /other mathematics oriented jobs. SAIL will also be conducted in May every year.
Summer Refresher course for Faculty(SURF)
These are thematic programmes spanning two to three weeks, aimed at Junior Research Fellows/College Lecturers. The goal is to introduce graduate level courses which are at par with the best PhD coursework in Mathematics across the world.
Mathematics Teacher’s Training(MATT)
This programme aims at providing a platform for school teachers in Mathematics to interact with researchers, through basic lectures in Mathematics. The lectures are intended to give a glimpse into advanced mathematics. The idea is to present interesting and important mathematical concepts in an interesting way to motivate them. The program also aims at inspiring Mathematics teachers to become motivating teachers, which would in turn help improve the Mathematics training from the school level itself.
Glimpses into Mathematics
This is a series of programs at Kerala School of Mathematics for providing opportunities to students starting from the MSc level to have a look into advanced topics in mathematics and familiarise themselves with research topics. These lectures are given by experts in various areas spanning a duration of one to two weeks. Details>>
Expositions in Mathematics
This program, aimed at the B.Sc. Students, consists of lectures on fundamental topics in Mathematics by experts, spanning three to seven days, with interactive lectures followed by tutorial sessions in the afternoon, assisted by KSoM students and postdocs.
Inspirational Lectures
This is a one day program for class 10 /class 11 /class 12 school students or BSc students. It involves an inspiring set of three to four lectures at KSoM on real life applications of Mathematics, with scope for interaction. Details>>
Interactions in Mathematics
This is a platform for students from class 10 to B.Sc. 1st year to interact with established mathematicians visiting KSoM and to get them interested in pursuing Mathematics. The invitation will be based on prior requests received from schools/colleges.