Integrated MSc-PhD program

The Integrated MSc-PhD program in Mathematics at Kerala School of Mathematics is an advanced training program at the postgraduate level leading to doctoral studies. The coursework is very flexible with a focus on grooming students for a research career in Mathematics. Depending on the choice of the electives, a student also has the option to choose a research career in Physics or Theoretical Computer Science as well.

The integrated MSc-PhD program at Kerala School of Mathematics(KSoM) has the following  salient features:

      • A (current) scholarship amount of Rs. 6000/- per month will be given to all candidates during the MSc part(2 years) of the program.
      • A scholarship amount equivalent to other national scholarship schemes will be given to the qualifying candidates during the PhD part (from 3rd year onwards) of the program.
      • An exit policy in the program allows students to leave the program with an MSc degree after two years of the program if they so desire.
      • Subsidised on campus accommodation is offered to all selected candidates.
      • Students will have free access to the  institute facilities such as library, and other online resources related to their study.
      • An academic environment with national and international level lectures, workshops, seminars and conferences enriches the program.


Eligibility: The minimum qualification required for joining the program is B.Sc., B.Math., B.Stat. or equivalent degree with Mathematics as one of the subjects or BE/B.Tech. or equivalent degree. A maximum of 12 students shall be selected every year.

Selection: Students shall be admitted to the program through a two-tier process involving an initial screening from any of the following examinations:

      1. Written test conducted by KSoM. 
      2. Written examination for the NBHM Masters’/Doctoral Scholarship Scheme. 
      3. National level examination conducted by CMI for their MSc program.


The final selection thereafter will be based on a test/interview at KSoM.

The brochure for the Integrated MSc-PhD program can be found here.

Integrated MSc-PhD program 2025 Admission

Click here for 2025 admission