Title: On the trace of powers of Algebraic integers
Speaker: R. Thangadurai
Affiliation: Harish-Chandra Research Institute, Prayagraj
Affiliation: Harish-Chandra Research Institute, Prayagraj
Venue: Seminar Hall, KSoM
Date and Time: June 10, 2024 [Monday] at 11:00 AM
Date and Time: June 10, 2024 [Monday] at 11:00 AM
Abstract: Let
be a non-zero algebraic integer. In this lecture, we prove an interesting characterisation for
to be a root of unity, which is an extension of a classical theorem of Kronecker. Indeed, we prove that {\it if a non-zero algebraic integer
is a root of unity if and only if the sequence
is bounded. Moreover, if the sequence
is bounded, then it is periodic.} Thus, if a non-zero algebraic integer
is not a root of unity, it is clear that the sequence
is unbounded and hence we study the growth in the next result. Also, we introduce a problem of Polya and its extensions.